Becoming a member of SMBBA has unique advantages. You not only receive opportunities to network with other local business owners and stay in the know on important issues and community events, but you have access to tangible, valuable benefits that can increase your businesses bottom line.

Terms and Conditions

By submitting this form I understand the information I provide may be published or given out as part of SMB Business Association’s services to its members, and public. I understand and agree to be governed by the present and future by-laws of the organization. 

Why Join SMBBA?

Promotional Opportunities

Throughout the year SMBBA provides advertising and promotional opportunities that only members have access to. Advertising specials in local media, sponsorship opportunities in local events, networking events, news and social media, website directory and Ad options, listings in flyers & brochures, etc. Whenever these kinds of opportunities arise, SMBBA will make them available to its membership.​


In addition to our General Meetings, which always have a 'networking' component to them, we will try to organize various additional opportunities to network. Without a doubt, the best way to network is to get involved - we encourage you to join a committee or volunteer for the board!

Community Recognition

One of the biggest benefits you receive is to become recognized in the community as a member of SMBBA. As a local association whose mandate is, in part, the "wellbeing of the community", all its members become recognized as "community-minded businesses". We provide not only opportunities for you, but a proven way to "give back" to the community that supports you!